Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Big Chop

The length before the BC
The cut before the BC
The Day of the big Chop 
After my hair decided to curl up
 I went back to natural on October 17th, 2011.. When I decided that it was time, it wasn't because I had damaged relaxed hair.. It was because I just had enough of the whole relaxed process.. And the chemicals played a huge part in my decision. After much research I decided that I was going to transition into my natural hair.... Yeah that didn't work well with me.. Maybe if I would have had more patients.. But once you get to know me you will know my patients aren't that great.. So exactly 2 weeks later I went in and had all of my hair except maybe an inch cut off.. That was all that wasn't relaxed. I had been thinking about it for a little over a year at that point and said to myself "self why wait, what is the wait exactly for" Because it wasn't really for me.. I have been with my husband for a little over 5 years and though out our relationship I have always had long relaxed hair. I didn't know how he would accept it. Now don't get me wrong he was all for going back natural, but I think it was more of a shock when he came home and saw that I really cut it all off.. Now two weeks before when I got my hair cut I only had it cut to the nape of my neck. So he got used to that style and then when he came home even that was gone. But he got used to it but then again he hated my pony tail.. So here I am 4 months post big chop and I am so used to my head, forehead, and curly hair.. 

Until next time