Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some Recipes for Deep Conditioners

Here are some recipes for some deep conditioners... If you know of some feel free to let us know.. Remember you can add your own Essential oils to the mix as well.. Make it your own and have fun while your doing it.

1 avocado

3 heaping tbsp Mayo, olive oil
, and honey

Mix well!! If not, you will be picking avocado out of your hair. This recipe makes hair extremely soft and adds moisture. Feel free to add your own oil choices.

1/2 cup of Honey
1/3 cup of Conditioner
1/4 cup of EVOO or whatever oil you would like to use
Mix well!!!! Saturate you head with the mixture and cover your hair for 30 mins to an hr. 

1 cup of greek yogurt
1/2 cup of honey
1/4 cup of Evoo
Mix well...
1x egg
2 tablespoons of oil – castor oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, vatika oil, coconut oil or any vegetable oil
1 tablespoon honey
Mix well with a fork.
Whenever you use rinsing out deep conditioners that contain raw eggs, do use a cool to lukewarm setting on the water.  You do not want to end up wth scrambled eggs in your hair!

1 tablespoon unrefined pure shea butter
1 teaspoon wheat germ oil
1 tablespoon castor oil
Warm up the shea butter in pan till melted.  Add the wheatgerm oil & castor oil.
After the treatment, rinse out with warm water.

1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses
2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt or Greek natural yoghurt
3 tablespoons of coconut milk
2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon of honey
3 tablespoon of castor oil
If you find the mixture too runny, simply add about 1-2 teaspoons of arrow root to thicken up the mix.
You can also add half a banana (overripe and pureed/blended) and 2 tablespoon of olive oil.  This is for added moisture, but is optional.

raw honey Evoo, evco, Jojoba, grapeseed and other oils    
Mix well and remember to rinse out completely.. This is more of a pre poo.. DC

1/2 cup of plain yogurt1/4 cup of molasses
1/3 cup of acv
1/3 cup of evoo3 jar of banana(baby food)

 or 2 bananas Blended well (dont want to be blamed for Naner chunks in your hair.. Mix very well, this makes my hair soft, super clean and soft.

2 tablespoons of Shea butter 
2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil 
1/4 cup of honey 
1/2 cup of Cheap silicone free conditioner.. 
Mix well 

1/3 cup EVOO, 
1/4 cup honey 
1 avocado 
Mix well and either put on a heated cap for 1 hr or just put on a plastic cap and let your body heat work its magic... It leave my hair very soft and shiny. 

1/3 cup EVOO, 

1/4 cup honey 
1 Banana  
Mix well and either put on a heated cap for 1 hr or just put on a plastic cap and let your body heat work its magic... It leave my hair very soft and shiny. 

1 bottle of beer
1/2 cup of honey 
Mix well and cover your head with a plastic cap.. Leave on for 30mins-1 hr. 

1 1/2 tspn of powdered fenugreek

1 tspn of jojoba oil

2 drops of lavender oil

2 drops of atlas cedar

2 drops of rosemary

1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut milk 

Mix ingredients, double if you have longer thick hair. 

Until next time... 


  1. Are the conditions to be used before a shampoo/cowash or afterwards?

    1. I use them before I co wash.. That way when you wash it out it is done.. But you can use them how ever you wish..
