Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Jezabel!!!! 1 yr catch up..


It has been a minute since I updated everyone on my hair and the journey that I am on.. Well It will be a year for Jezabel (Steve named my hair). He said I am cheating on him with my hair.. I spend money on it, play in it.. Treat it really nice.. LOL.. He has jokes. So here's what I learned in the past year.. My hair loves moisture.. It thrives on it.  I have learned that what I put in my body also goes to my hair.. I have learned that deep conditioning at least once a week is my friend. And I learned that things in the kitchen can always be put to the test of making some sort of concoction for the hair.. And 9 times out of 10 I succeed and my hair loves it.

A few days after my big Chop
There are so many lessons that I have learned over time, and so many pictures that I have taken to remind me of my growth. But somewhere along the way it stopped being about just my hair.. I have grown as a person as well.. I never thought to look at ingredients on hair products. But why is that. I will look at them when it comes to food but never on hair.. When I started looking and paying attention the more it became easier for me. I started listen to what my hair likes/loves and what it will only tolerate.  My hair changes like the seasons.. One minute it will like something then it wont the next. I started my Journey on October 14th, 2011.. I only remember the date because I took a picture of myself after getting all of my hair cut off..  The picture << is from the 17th. The one I took on the 14th didn't look cute at all.. LOL. But from there I went to understanding what I should use and not use for my hair.  I read blogs and looked at a million youtube videos.. I learned a lot without having someone there to tell me hey try this and try that.. I am still learning. I was once told a smart person never stops learning just because they think they have all the answers. My husband is a great supporter of everything I want to do.  He would hear me talk about something I read and I think I would want to try and BAM the next day he would have it.  Then I started making my own concoctions for us. I would mix up some African Shea Butter and some other stuff and our skin loved it as well as our hair.. The more I learned I started putting my advice in on questions that was asked on Face book..

Now here we are a year into my journey and I have a blog myself and people that actually read what I write. Haha.. GO ME... I know silly.. But hey Your reading this and I thank you from the bottom of my pen and finger tips.  Now I have tried some things that I heard people rave about.. Like Eco Styler Gel and Green housing the hair ( I hope I said that right) Anyway Green house is when you co-wash you hair and put the leave in and all of that other stuff on your hair at night and put on a plastic cap and go to sleep. Yeah my hair couldnt stand it.. And I found that my hair loves my Hibiscus Flaxseed Gel .

My curls and Coils after using CC's Naturals Hibiscus Flaxseed gel
I detangle my hair while it is soaked with conditioner only. I dont wash with shampoo but I do however cleanse with apple cider vinegar once a month or when ever my hair tells me it needs it. I use herbs in just about everything I make for my hair.. Herbs like rosemary, hibiscus, marshmallow root, lemon grass, burdock root, and so many more. I use coconut oil, castor oil, grapseed oil, avocado oil, almond oil, Shea butter, Mango Butter, Cocoa Butter.. See I told you I treat Jezabel good.. I know this is a lot but I havent updated you guys in a long time.. Today I decided to step out of my comfort zone and dye my hair.. I have dyed it plenty of times when I was relaxed but natural is a whole other horse.  I have Henna'd my natural hair but today was a leap forward.. I stated for a while that I wanted to dye my hair a reddish color... So first I tried Henna but that only dyed my grey hairs.. I wanted something that would dye the whole head.. So I sent Steve to the store to pick up some red dye.. I used Manic Panic Vampire Red.  Dont freak out.. It is a semi permanent dye unless you bleach your hair.  I didn't go the bleached route maybe some other time.. I loved it.. I didn't dye my hair super bright red but it did dye it like a maroonish color.. So here is a picture of the color as well as the length check for the year..
Oct 1st, 2012 freshly dyed and washed no products
It is so much more to tell you guys but that will have to be another post. Im sure you looked at this one and said dang she got the raps.. HAHA.. I will update you guys more on how my journey is going. I promise.. I will get better with this one of these days.


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